Feed your body and renew yourself.

Registered nutritional therapist, here to support you to optimise your nutrition and lifestyle and build stronger resilience to life’s challenges.

  • Immunity see saw

    Immune Imbalance

    Our immune systems fluctuate as we’re impacted by our environment and this affects all other body systems. Get the guidance you need to rebalance.

  • DNA

    Autoimmune Conditions

    Autoimmune conditions are often dependant on genetics, and triggered by the environment. Understanding the causal factors is essential.

  • Wheat

    Food allergies & intolerances

    Closely linked to immune imbalance and an influencing factor behind autoimmune disease it’s important to identify if the body is sensitive to any foods and why.

  • Coronovirus

    Post viral fatigue

    Long-covid and other post viral fatigue conditions are linked to immune imbalance. Long-covid is also closely associated with autoimmune disease, research continues.

  • Healthy ageing

    Optimise Ageing Well

    We can focus on where you need to optimise your diet and lifestyle to age well, and promote happy and healthful longer years. Getting old does not have to mean loss of health.

Our approach

In today’s climate we are faced with ever increasing pressures on our minds and bodies. Many of us cope with chronic illnesses which affect our everyday lives because we think there’s nothing we can do. Think again. Perhaps you’re feeling unnaturally tired and lacking in energy. Or you are not managing to get back to yourself after suffering with a virus. You may have been diagnosed by your GP with an autoimmune disease.

Our immune systems are under pressure to perform, and sometimes they become weak and out of balance causing long-term issues such as allergies, frequent colds and fatigue. We will work with you on your diet and lifestyle regimen, to support getting you back to your optimal health, and feel as good as you want to.

We follow an evidence based approach and each clinic session with you is accompanied behind the scenes by hours of research and planning to provide you with an achievable programme to follow, partnering with your GP where applicable. It is important to note that nutritional therapy is not instead of your GP advice or NHS treatment, but sits alongside, and compliments it.

Find the root cause

All our programmes are tailored to you and your health goal. We specialise in immune system imbalances and healthy aging. The body is a web of networking systems so we tend to work across functional imbalances in the body until we get you to where you want to be.

In-person and remote options

We are based in Hampshire on the south coast in a small town called Emsworth. Feel free to attend in-person appointments in our tranquil, custom built, garden clinic. Alternatively we can easily hold an online appointment at a time to suit you.


“Deb has always been supportive, kind and helpful. She is also very organised and knowledgeable, helping me on my health journey.”


Prioritise your health today.