You deserve the support to get your health back on track.
Where did it all start?
Many Nutritional Therapists have some sort of backstory, in that we have suffered ill health at some point in the past and found a way back to health. My story is no different. A stressful job, a young family, a wedding, a viral illness, and some strategically placed genetic SNPs (pronounced snips, variances in the genes), formed the storyline of the next chapter of my life. Post viral fatigue, allergies, food intolerances, anxiety, poor immunity and growing sensitivities. Our healthcare system was not geared up to solve a case such as mine, despite best efforts. So I started on my own personal quest for health. A decade later this ultimately led me to retrain as a Nutritional Therapist.
Problem solving
We are all individual, we are not the same, but the science and evidence behind why things can go wrong, and what we can do to turn things around, is applicable to all of us. It is an approach, a dedication of sorts, to get to the bottom of each client’s health issues, looking at full body systems, not siloed medical specialisms, and putting solutions in place for long term change. This is problem solving at its best, and where my previous career of over 20 years working as a Digital Project Manager has served me well, not to mention working for the NHS as a Project Manager on the national Ageing Well Programme. Now, after 4 years training as a Registered Nutritional Therapist, I have the knowledge, personal experience, and tools, to work with you and show you the way back to your full health potential.